
What is polyester staple fiber made of?

Abstract:Generally, baidu said that the polyester staple fiber currently on the market is divided into three categories: large ch...

Generally, baidu said that the polyester staple fiber currently on the market is divided into three categories: large chemical fiber, medium chemical fiber, and small zhuan chemical fiberChina polyester color yarns suppliers.
   Large chemical fiber shu: short fiber spun from PET chips or melted 1653 directly. Good color, large batch number, stable strength, few defects, good spinnability
  Medium chemical fiber: It is spun with PET chips or with PET back material. Price and quality are between Dahua and Xiaohua (mainly some spinning mills are used to blend with Dahua to enhance competitiveness)

Small chemical fiber: spun with PET back material. Price and quality are uneven, suitable for exporting to some markets and fields where quality requirements are not too high (such as fillers, etc.)
Generally speaking, the short fiber spun from chips has basically no defects, the fiber thickness is uniform, the surface is smooth, and the hand feels relatively smooth (but the short fiber depends on where to use, there is a difference between silicon and no silicon in the coarse generation). If pulled, the general strength of chip spinning is better, the batch number is large, there is no color difference, and the physical indicators are uniform.
Generally, short fibers produced from small chemical fibers, or short fibers produced from recycled raw materials, have a small batch number, and the same algebraic feel is not as good as large chemical fibers (except after treatment). There are many defects, occasionally uneven thickness, and super-long length generally exist objectively. The physical indicators of conventional recycled materials are slightly worse.